Real artist
Art has never been this boring
Father, forgive them for they know not what they do
The Kingdom is with me
Divination is an intimate affair
Digital Witchcraft
Bots and Autopoiesis
Gatito 🐱🌎
Posthuman Masochist Tremors: Stories of Fiction and Artificial Intelligence
Realidades virtuales (initiation in Japan)
Towards a posthuman theory of dreams
Hackers and Shamans, travelers of the black box
Incompetent design against digital colonialism
Pensando series
Autonomous technologies for feminist action
Coding Rights
Everything that the algorithm cannot contain
Snapchat and the reverse panopticon
What do we talk when we talk about digital intersectionality?
Affirmative collective memory for the recent traumatic history of Chile
Real artist
Art has never been this boring
Father, forgive them for they know not what they do
The Kingdom is with me
Divination is an intimate affair
Digital Witchcraft
Bots and Autopoiesis
Gatito 🐱🌎
Posthuman Masochist Tremors: Stories of Fiction and Artificial Intelligence
Realidades virtuales (initiation in Japan)
Towards a posthuman theory of dreams
Hackers and Shamans, travelers of the black box
Incompetent design against digital colonialism
Pensando series
Autonomous technologies for feminist action
Coding Rights
Everything that the algorithm cannot contain
Snapchat and the reverse panopticon
What do we talk when we talk about digital intersectionality?
Affirmative collective memory for the recent traumatic history of Chile