Title: Affirmative collective memory for the recent traumatic history of Chile, the case of Tu Señora by Tomasa del Real and Talisto
Institution(s): Universiteit Utrecht
Description: Essay in which I explain how Tu Señora, which at first sight is a romantic song for the dance floor, is a transcultural piece with elements of collective memory. My main hypothesis for this text is that Tomasa del Real and Talisto are proposing an approach to memory in which active forgetting is central, that these two artists are incarnating an affirmative drive and that eventually the song constitutes an instance in which the traumas of the past promote the construction of a future.
👯♀️ Codruţa Pohrib (supervisor)
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Institution(s): Universiteit Utrecht
Description: Essay in which I explain how Tu Señora, which at first sight is a romantic song for the dance floor, is a transcultural piece with elements of collective memory. My main hypothesis for this text is that Tomasa del Real and Talisto are proposing an approach to memory in which active forgetting is central, that these two artists are incarnating an affirmative drive and that eventually the song constitutes an instance in which the traumas of the past promote the construction of a future.
👯♀️ Codruţa Pohrib (supervisor)
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