It’s been a while since my head had its fuses burned
I imagine I’m a super hero because I’m invisible
With an enormous heart, too sensible
I can think of a thousand jobs where my talent is useless

It’s impossible to be as cool as a zorrón papurri
I would ask them ¿Qué te pasa? As Yuri used to sing
Perhaps they can only understand performers using autotune
Or perhaps they do not think,

I should make them take the Turing test

Maybe I will be censored, as the Calígula movie
Maybe I should question life and find it ridiculous
If your wallet is a compound, mine is a particle
Your life is amazing, it even looks like a feature film

Meanwhile my life is just a pilot episode
I’m ñoño and roto, picante as a rocoto
Since it is evident that I’m not going to win the Loto
I do not have time to get that lifting in my scrotum

I would like to be trustworthy, as if I were Danny Glover
Or steer the ship, as Marmaduque Grove
My zero-members fan club expects me to always innovate
This weekend,
I’m going to be a Latin lover
because I love dead tongues,
yours is lacking life
The entrance is through this door but it takes you to the exit
As Pavlov’s dog, if I think about you I salivate
Now let’s listen to that band of suicidal tendencies
Chill, it was a joke, I know you dislike them
I’m using a full seasoning for this bitter load

The waiting is long, the goodbye is short
Where is the past? Well, it’s in your ass

Sorry for the filth, I do not have the expertise
Probably I’m missing a synthesizing enzyme
Tears are slipping
I look like the tower of Pisa:
and full of nooks and crannies

Everything resonates with its echo and follows this rhythm
With a touch of mysticism as in a painting by El Greco
But it is not easy at all to fall down and then uprising
because I know I’ll never be someone like Mr Darcy

Partners: Sentinela del Norte

Description: The Turing Test, created by computer scientist Alan Turing attempts to determine if a machine can think. In a global context of stupidization, what about creating a test that determines if a human can think? We addressed these possibilties considering the influence of British pioneers such as Jane Austen and Turing himself.

Design brief:
  • Against romcom logics of what a man should be
  • A test that determines if a person will be able to talk of at least one interesting thing
  • A system that values your inner life rather than how much money you have
  • Having love for languages gives you more points
  • Against stereotypes of what a person should be, against toxic masculinity
  • Feminist as iconic female British writers
  • It doesn't matter if only a few of us will pass the test
  • Now you have to prove you're human but through the most dull mechanisms, is that really being a human?
  • Pro artistic obsessions

External links: interview at digitalwitchcraft.net, Parte del Paisaje (album by Sentinela del Norte edited by Discos Pegaos)