the digital witchcraft institute
Sacred interoperability to fix this spiritual crisisthe digital witchcraft institute
Surveillance in the Anthropocene
Temuco, Santiago, Toronto, Rotterdam
Artistic research, photography, sound design, poetry
Artistic research, photography, sound design, poetry

Research report and online exhibition about surveillance technologies being used against indigenous land defenders in Chile and in Canada.
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Glasgow, Rotterdam
Artistic research, coding
Artistic research, coding

Multimedia project of artistic research that presents a set of 22 arcana each representing one archetypical figure playing a role in the current climate emergency.
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Bots and Autopoiesis
Rotterdam, Amsterdam
Research, academic essay, coding
Research, academic essay, coding

Ongoing exploration on the context and digital infrastructures that enable automated artistic bots and evaluation of their contribution to the current artistic landscape.
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Advocacy, non-fiction creative writing

Two friends separated by an ocean send letters to each other every month. They are working for a future in which dissident technologies will be the key element that will unleash the emancipatory energy of climate justice.
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Digital Security for Journalists at the Frontlines
Advocacy, holistic security trainings

Emergency project to contribute to the physical and digital security of the journalists at the frontlines of the social revolt in Chile.
Digital Witchcraft at JSConf
Research, magical thinking
Research, magical thinking

Danae Valentina presented thoroughly the Digital Witchcraft project facilitating an exploration of spirituality and technology.
Digital Witchcraft
Rotterdam, Valencia, Havana, San Francisco, Shanghai, Kyoto
Research,collaborative workshop, speculative design, video 17’
Research,collaborative workshop, speculative design, video 17’

The core of our practice, the space that allowed us to understand that magic is the mother of technology.
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